These next few post I’ll be focusing on the medical side of things when it comes to having a spinal cord injury. I’m not a doctor but I’m speaking on behalf of my experience and what has really worked for me. The lack of sleep after a long day can be frustrating especially if it constantly happens. You could keep taking sleeping pills (among a list of many other spinal cord injury medication you already take) but those side effects that make you feel drowsy in the morning when you have to get up and start the day isn’t really a win win situation. What I’ve been doing is the moment I struggle to sleep after laying in bed, I’d just get up and do a bit of work on my computer, read a book or get started on something I would have normally done in the morning and just get a head start on things. So during the day when I do feel tired I’d just take a nap and rest.
Turn a negative situation and find a way to take something positive out of it.
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